Follow these step-by-step instructions for editing a blog post in WordPress.

How to edit a blog post

  1. From the blog Dashboard, click Posts at the top of the left column.
  2. Browse the list of published posts and drafts. As you move the cursor over each, links for editing will appear below their titles. Click Edit below the title of the post you wish to change.
  3. You will arrive at a page just like the one seen when creating a post. Make the necessary changes to the desired area.
  4. Select Update Post to finish.

How to edit multiple blog posts

To edit or delete multiple posts, click the check boxes of the posts you want to edit on the Edit Posts screen. At the top of the list of posts, choose edit or delete from the drop down box and then select Apply.

You will be able to perform bulk edits affecting categories, tags, author, comments, and status. To make these changes, click the Update Posts button. If you want to delete these posts, you will be asked to confirm your decision.